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2015 Town Board Minutes > Town Board Meeting - February 16, 2015


February 16, 2015 Page 1 of 2


The regular meeting of the Richfield Town Board was held on Monday, February 16, 2015, at the Richfield Town Hall.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Supervisor Enjem.  Other board members in attendance were Bond, Eckler, and Palumbo.  Board member Snyder was absent.


Motion by Enjem to pay claims as presented.  There was no second; board member Palumbo brought up that a number of vouchers need to be reviewed by the board first for various reasons, such as lack of an authorizing signature, duplicate submission, math errors, and wrong amounts. The two vouchers submitted for WESCO Insurance Company should each reflect only half the amount due since the payment was split between two different accounts.  Corrections were made to the vouchers in question.  Motion by Palumbo, second by Bond to approve vouchers with three signatures for payment.  Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Enjem – yes.  ***


Motion by Bond, second by Eckler to approve minutes from January 19, 2015.  Supervisor Enjem would like it noted that he will not serve on the lake committee.  Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Enjem – yes.


The Community Center has asked to use the town hall on April 11, 2015 from 7:00 AM to 1:00 PM for their annual road race registration and awards presentation.  Board member Eckler volunteered to take charge of supervising the building for the event.  Motion by Eckler, second by Palumbo to allow the Community Center to use the building under Eckler’s supervision.  Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Enjem – yes.


The board discussed disaster planning/training and possibly holding a meeting at the school in April to accommodate more people.  NIMS training for board members that have not taken it was also discussed.  Comments about the proposed power line to run from Oneida County to Delaware County may be submitted until March 30, 2015; a letter was submitted by Geraldine Wong concerning the boat wash; the supervisor met with Jeremy Silverman about grants, handouts were provided to the board. Mr. Silverman charges $75.00/hour.  Board member Palumbo asked if matching funds are needed for the funds and also suggested that if we do apply for any grants it would save the town money if we do some of the up front leg work.

Highway Superintendent Kress asked the board to approve advertising for fuel bids; our current contract expires in March.  Motion by Eckler, second by Bond to advertise for fuel bids, bids to be opened at the March 16, 2015, meeting.  Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Enjem – yes.  Board members signed the “Expenditure of Highway Moneys” for 2015.  The main project this year will be the reconstruction of a portion of Henry Conklin Road.. The board discussed burner specs for the boiler and the maintenance agreement for the heating and cooling system and agreed that one maintenance in the fall should be sufficient.  Supervisor Enjem will call Air Temp for an adjustment on our outstanding balance, and then we will pay the remainder of the 2014 contract.




February 16, 2015 Page 2 of 2


The clerk reported on tax collection.  All money the town has coming has now been collected and will be turned over to the supervisor as soon as receipts are received.


The issue of the debit card came up again; the supervisor said the town only has a $1,000.00 liability.  The signature form for the bank that would give board member Eckler access to town bank account information has not been signed or returned by the supervisor.  Supervisor Enjem suggested that all the board members should be authorized to access the accounts.  He will bring the form to the clerk tomorrow.


Board members Bond and Snyder will audit the clerk’s books, the supervisor was asked to audit the court books, but said the comptroller’s office does not allow that because it is the supervisor that takes the money from the court.  Board member Eckler asked why the documents for November and December, 2014, are not in the file cabinet; the supervisor will put them this week.  The AUD deadline has been moved back to the end of March, not February.  The money due the retired court clerk is still in the retirement fund.


Highway Superintendent Kress asked about the $100,000.00 that was to be transferred to the Highway Equipment Reserve account.  It does not show on the financial statements; the supervisor said it has been done.


The supervisor will check the computer line (A1680.4) to see what the actual amount should be for the end of 2014. 

Board member Eckler asked why all of the financial reports can’t be e-mailed before the meeting, not just the profit and loss.  The bookkeeper is working on it.


Motion to adjourn at 7:32 PM by Enjem, second by Eckler.  Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Enjem – yes.





Monica Harris, Clerk



*** There are no abstract figures this month.  The clerk has not received the vouchers approved at the meeting. 

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