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2015 Town Board Minutes > Town Board Meeting - April 20, 2015


April 20, 2015 Page 1 of 3


The regular meeting of the Richfield Town Board was held on Monday, April 20, 2015, at the Richfield Town Hall.  The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Supervisor Enjem.  Other board members in attendance were Bond, Eckler, Palumbo, and Snyder.


Motion to pay claims as presented by Enjem, second by Eckler.  Bond - yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem - yes.

                                    A General                                            $    5,747.75

                                    B General                                            $    3,000.00

                                    DA Highway                                      $  13,782.41

                                    DB Highway                                       $    2,145.29

                                    SL Street Lighting                              $         84.73

                                                                        Total                $  24,760.18


Motion by Enjem, second by Eckler to approve minutes of March 16, 2015.  Supervisor Enjem would like it noted that the letter read by Geraldine Wong at the March meeting pertain to efforts to secure funding for the boat wash.  Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.


Motion by Enjem, second by Snyder to advertise for a permissive referendum to expend funds from the Highway Equipment Reserve fund for a new Kubota four-wheel drive tractor with mower.  Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes. The tractor is being purchased on a federal contract; therefore we do not need to advertise for bids.


The clerk reported on tax collections; payments have picked up after a slow March.  The clerk’s office was open the night of the rabies clinic, three dogs were licensed.  Fire department reports have been left in board mailboxes.


Planning Board Chairman Urtz reported that the Planning Board is in support of the formation of a committee to develop a comprehensive plan for the town


Old Business


The town has agreed to a new service contract with Air Temp for the boiler.  Vouchers approved tonight include a payment of $702.00 due for the 2014 contract and $322.00 for the first installment of 2015.

Our “Climate Smart” resolution has been received in Albany.  Robin Reynolds has been assigned to our town if we need help.


Supervisor Enjem asked if the board wanted to impose a moratorium while we are working on a comprehensive plan.  Do we want business coming in while we are working on a new plan.  The board will address this at the May meeting.



April 20, 2015 Page 2 of 3


Motion by Enjem, second by Palumbo for the clerk to put an ad in the Pennysaver asking for volunteers for the comprehensive committee.  Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.  Volunteers will be asked to commit to at least one meeting a month for a year.  Letters of interest must be received by Wednesday, May 13, 2015.  All letters should be addressed to the clerk.  It is recommended that town board members do not serve on this committee.  The IDA has committed to finishing the comprehensive plan regardless of whether the commerce park goes forward.  Board member Eckler pointed out that our local ordinances are not thirty years old as claimed.  The ordinances were adopted in 1992 and have been updated with a number of additional ordinances and local laws.


New Business


Supervisor Enjem reported that last year’s beach manager is all set with lifeguards and has one more interested candidate. The clerk was instructed to put a notice in the Pennysaver advertising for seasonal lifeguards for Bakers Beach.  Candidates must have waterfront and CPR certification.  All letters of interest must be received by May 13, 2015.


The Chamber of Commerce would like to use the beach for a meeting on Thursday, June 18, 2015 from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM.  Board member Palumbo will be responsible.


The board discussed rates for the beach.  The fees this year will be $50.00 for up to fifty people.  $75.00 for more than fifty, up to the legal limit.  We will find out what the legal limit is.  These charges will be incorporated into the beach use permit.  We do not charge a parking fee for pavilion groups.  Individuals and groups renting the pavilion must provide the town with proof of insurance of at least $300,000.00.  This requirement will be included on the beach use permit.


Board member Palumbo asked why the disability lines on the Profit & Loss statements have no dollar amounts.  Are they somewhere else?


Board member Eckler asked: what is the status of the new pavilion proposed in memory of Wayne King.  Rod Sluyter and the committee are working on obtaining 501C status.  Why haven’t we moved forward with the NYSEG energy program?  Where is the list of dollar amounts transferred at the end of 2014?  The bookkeeper will have it next month.  The clerk should have a signed copy of the AUD in her office.


The bookkeeper explained that part of the problem of the abstract and Profit & Loss statements not agreeing is because of the pre-pays.


Scott Olsen addressed the board on the application for a cell tower submitted in November.  Today is day 150 since the application was submitted. The town has been provided with site analysis studies, the FEA is included, the tower will allow for co-location, it will not interfere with other radio signals; the tower does not need to be lit at night.  FCC regulations require a decision within 150 days; however, Verizon is willing to do a one-time extension to June 15,


April 20, 2015 Page 3 of 3


2015.  Board member Palumbo informed Mr. Olsen that the board has had very little feedback and information on this application.  He also asked why a hilltop was not considered for this tower so that it would not need to be so high.  Olsen – technology has changed, exhibits are in the packet provided to the town.  Attorney Merzig advised that since the SUP was submitted under the old law it should be accepted under the old law.  Merzig asked when the July board meeting is.  The town may need that additional month to schedule a public hearing.  The July meeting will by July 20, 2015.  Mr. Olsen agreed to extend the deadline to July 20, 2015.  Motion by Enjem, second by Eckler to accept the Verizon deadline of July 20, 2015.  Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.  Planning Board Chairman Urtz offered to work with the board on Part II of the SEQR.  The town board will come to the regular meeting of the planning board, May 11, 2015, so the two boards can work on a SEQR review.

Board member Eckler received a letter from the Community Center thanking the town for use of the hall on April 11, 2015.


Privilege of the Floor


Dan Sullivan – best not to have a town board member on the comprehensive plan committee because the town board will eventually vote on it, avoid a conflict of interest.


Motion to adjourn at 7:44 by Enjem, second by Eckler.  Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.





Monica Harris, Clerk

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