July 20, 2015 Page 1 of 4
The regular meeting of the Richfield Town Board was held on Monday, July 20, 2015, at the Richfield Town Hall. The meeting was called to order at 6:00 PM by Supervisor Enjem . Other board members in attendance were Bond, Eckler, Palumbo, and Snyder.
The meeting began with a public hearing on the application of Cellco Partnership d/b/a/ Verizon Wireless for a Special Use Permit Seeking Authorization to Install and Operate a Wireless Communications Facility in the Town of Richfield. Scott Olsen addressed the board on the balloon test that took place July 11, 2015. A legal notice was published in the Daily Star, results of the test were given to the town board. Olsen explained where the tower will be located on Bargley Road.
Olsen was asked to make corrections to the SEQR:
Page 2 C.2 b add Canadarago Lake Watershed Management Plan, possibly Otsego County Farmland Protection Plan.
Page 3 C.3 d add Bakers Beach, West Winfield Park, John D. Cary Park
Page 3 D.1 e there are no phases of construction
Page 6 f more detail requested
Page 4 D.2 put in that material used will be reclaimed
Page 5 d Olsen will check on generated liquid waste and put in that waste will be hauled away.
Page 7 k the figure of 89.55 KWHrs per year was questioned
Page 8 r solid waste will be hauled away
Page 12 p the supervisor will give Olsen a list of plants/animals that have been seen in the area. Olsen – there is nothing in the record to indicate sensitive plants/animals but he will check.
Page 12 q the site has been used for hunting
The board and Olsen discussed the four waiver requests.
#1 – the town is asked to waive the minimum height requirement as set forth in Section 9(B) of our local law.
#2 – the town is asked for a waiver from providing a single report signed by a licensed Professional Engineer pursuant to Section6 (F) of our local law.
#3 – insurance requirements. The project is on private land, the town has no insurable interest in the proposed facility. The town is asking to be named as an additional insured.
#4 – setbacks were changed in the new law after the original application. The applicant requests a waiver to permit tower setbacks shown on the current plan.
Motion to close the public hearing at 6:40 PM by Enjem, second by Snyder. Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes. Olsen asked if the board would vote on the Special use Permit tonight, contingent on all requested changes being made to the SEQR. Enjem and Eckler are not opposed to the idea, but the vote will be put off until next month. Motion by Snyder, second by Bond to authorize the supervisor to sign an extension with Verizon until August 17, 2015. Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.
July 20, 2015 Page 2 of 4
Board member Snyder asked for a moment of silence in honor of John DeFino, a retired Town Justice who recently passed away.
The supervisor had a number of claims from last month that had problems. One had the wrong amount, most lacked three signatures. The clerk will change the one with the wrong amount; board members initialed others to get the necessary signatures. The June abstract figures will be changed as follows: DA voucher # 52 will change from $40.00 to $60.00, total DA amount will change from $5,698.24 to $5,718.24, abstract total will change from $15,985.01 to $16,005.01. Motion to pay claims (July) as presented by Enjem, second by Palumbo. Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.
A General $ 4,755.28
B General $ 20.75
DA Highway $ 122,435.58
DB Highway $ 12,744.07
SL Street Lighting $ 84.73
Total $ 140,040.41
Motion to approve minutes of the June 15, 2015, meeting by Enjem, second by Palumbo. Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.
Highway Superintendent Kress – open bids for the F250, 2016 or newer, with plow. Two bids were received:
Carbone Auto Group: 2016 F250 w/beacon $26,175.00; 9’2” Boss V Plow, $5,085.00, total price $31,260.00.
Carbone Auto Group: 2016 F250 w/beacon $26,175.00; Fisher 9 ½ ‘ Fisher Paint V Plow; $5,150.00, total price $31,325.00.
Skinner & Damulis: vehicle equipped to meet all specs, $32,730.48. Plow-shoes optional, $195.00. On the recommendation of the highway superintendent, motion by Enjem, second by Snyder to accept the Carbone Auto Group bid as follows:
F250 W/Beacon $26,175.00
9 ½ ‘Fisher Painted Steel V Plow 5,150.00
Total Bid Price $31,325.00
Bond – yes, Eckler, yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes. The Kubota tractor/mower was delivered last Thursday; the highway department started using it today. The check that was cut for $78,900.00 should be charged to DA5130.2, not DA5130.4. The town has received a check for $4,225.00 from Otsego Electric for damage done to Cole Hill Road. The road will be repaired when Henry Conklin Road is paved. The T & A portion of the health insurance is three months in arrears. The bookkeeper said she cannot pay that part of the insurance without a voucher. The board decided earlier this year that T & A items will no longer be vouchered. The bookkeeper said that she did pay part of it. Motion by Snyder, second by Palumbo that T & A health insurance will again be vouchered. Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem –yes.
July 20, 2015 Page 3 of 4
The clerk previously handed out the fire reports; read a note from Fran Hazelton concerning beach use. There is a shortage of tables in the pavilion. For the rest of this beach season four folding tables will be taken from the town hall for use in the pavilion.
Planning Board Chairman Urtz reported that Sandy Mathes has contacted the board about a possible solar field project on the old IDA property on Elm Street Extension. The board needs more information; Sandy Mathes has been asked to come to the August 10th meeting of the board.
Dan Sullivan spoke on the comprehensive plan committee. Sullivan is chairman for the town; Kurt Zurmuhlen is chairman for the village. The committee is not requesting a moratorium on business at this time. Board member Palumbo asked if there is an updated timeline schedule. Sullivan will see about getting one.
Old Business
The woman from NYSEG has not gotten back to the supervisor concerning the lights for the town hall/garage and Bakers Beach.
Board member Palumbo has found a copier that will meet the needs of the town. The cost of the copier plus an additional tray for legal size paper will be around $500.00. He will order the copier on his credit card with permission from the board. Motion by Eckler, second by Snyder to authorize Palumbo to order the copier and submit a bill for reimbursement. Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.
Not all county legislators were in favor of giving bed tax money to municipalities to promote tourism, but the measure did pass. The Town of Richfield will receive a little more than $3,000.00. The money will not be received until 2016 and there is no guarantee that it will be an annual contribution.
The supervisor has visited Old Forge to check out the boat wash operated there.
Board member Bond asked the supervisor about the fire alarm quote. The supervisor expected the highway superintendent to take care of it. Kress gave the original quote to the supervisor months ago. Bond agreed to check into getting a quote. Bond and Snyder also performed an audit on the Town Clerk/Collector’s books. Vouchers were reviewed and she asked the supervisor when the Quickbooks bill will come in August? The board will discuss the debit card next month. She also asked the supervisor what the remote access billed to the town by
Steve Lawton for the supervisors computer. It is so that Lawton can access the computer remotely from another location if needed.
July 20, 2015 Page 4 of 4
New Business
The small building at the beach entrance needs a new roof. The supervisor will get quotes to replace it.
Board member Palumbo brought up the lines on the financial reports that show expenditures but have no money budgeted to cover those expenses. He suggested that some money be moved into those accounts. The bookkeeper suggested that the board wait until next year to put money in those lines. The supervisor would like to see a celebration line in the budget for next year.
Highway Superintendent Kress said that the tax cap for next year will be 7/10 of 1%.
Privilege of the Floor
Katherine Mansur – is the town responsible for the recyclables at the transfer site? No, the county is.
Supervisor Enjem had copies of a new moratorium plan; Palumbo asked if it referenced the proposed comprehensive plan.
Motion to adjourn at 7:55 PM by Enjem, second by Snyder. Bond – yes, (Eckler needed to leave before the final vote was taken), Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes,
Monica Harris, Clerk