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2015 Town Board Minutes > Town Board Meeting - August 24, 2015


August 24, 2015  Page 1 of 1


A special meeting of the Richfield Town Board was held on Monday, August 24, 2015, at the Richfield Town Hall.  Board members present were Enjem, Bond, Eckler, Snyder, and Palumbo.  The purpose of the meeting was for the Town Board to complete EAF Forms 2 and 3.  After some general discussion the meeting was called to order at 9:20 AM by supervisor Enjem.


Supervisor Enjem brought up question 9 f.  One area farmer may be in a certified ag district.  If so, Otsego County will need to have a 239 m letter.  Verizon representative Scott Olsen assured the board that no land, crops, or animals will be affected by the project.  Board member Palumbo suggested the county be sent the 239m.  On page 9, 16m, “no or small” should be checked.


The board reviewed and  completed pages 1- 10 of Part 2 of the SEQR.  This is an Unlisted Action, Parts 1,2, and 3 have all been completed.  Motion by Palumbo, second by Eckler that the board accepts all EAF Forms (Parts 1,2, and 3), the board finds no significant impact, therefore the board declares a negative declaration.  Bobnd – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.


Board members signed vouchers to pay the health insurance for September.


The supervisor passed out copies of the proposed moratorium.  Palumbo asked he supervisor to provide copies of the previous moratoriums so that he can compare the two.


Motion to adjourn at 8:43 AM by Eckler, second by Snyder.  Bond – yes, Eckler – yes, Palumbo – yes, Snyder – yes, Enjem – yes.





Monica Harris,  Clerk


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